In 2013, the fifth installment of the iconic Die Hard franchise was released and now, rumors of Die Hard 6 have been swirling. I haven't even seen A Good Day to Die Hard yet, but I'm sure I will eventually. It received a lot of lukewarm reviews. Most of the ones I've seen either hint strongly
I'm going to start off this column by saying something that needs to be said: all you can eat buffets are not filled with amazing food. They have old food sitting under warmers, the meat tends to be the fatty leftovers that didn't make a McDonald's McNugget, and that being said, we as guys tend
So you just got a new DSLR Camera from Nikon, Canon, or Pentax as a gift (or as one of your more expensive impulse buys). Congratulations! Cameras are fun, can capture some great memories, and also give you an excuse to buy some incredibly cool accessories for them. That's where we come in. We
If you're a regular reader, you'll know that we've done several articles on the rules we should all live by. Today we take a look at the 6 rules in the Workplace Bathroom Code of Ethics. Follow these rules, and your co-workers will respect and love you.All you have to do is follow these 6
We decided to build the ultimate gaming PC, and we want you to win it! We scoured the PC landscape for the products that would come together to give you a powerful machine that will take your gaming and entertainment to the next level.
April is autism awareness month, and we hope that this continuing story of a mother of a child with autism will help people understand more about life with autism.I’m going to take a moment and be one of “those moms.” You know, the ones that talk endlessly about their kids and how wonderful

Sometimes I overhear my single guy friends talking about how they’re going to impress a girl. “She was all about my new jeans” is something one might say. Or, “One look at my new convertible, and she’s all mine.”Yeah, girls think that stuff is cool, but clothes and phones are not “datable”