The other day, I was hanging out with a college senior and we got on the topic of our families; he then said something I rarely hear college students say, especially young men. He said: "My father is my hero! I still hope to be like him when I grow up!"Many folks I happen to bump into on my

As we find ourselves approaching summer, and beach season soon to be in full effect, you may notice that your local gym has been filled up lately. Year after year, people panic over their winter hibernation weight and begin hitting the gym to get into beach body shape. Didn’t have the time or

The gym's a crazy place, with lots of ways to pump up, slim down, throw out your back, and even decapitate yourself if you hit the bench press just right. The information overload is killer, and it's easy to to get mislead. Here are five ways you might get hustled a bit, and here's why.1

My grandfather is an awesome guy, and very tech-savvy. He's 74 years old and owns a bluetooth equipped vehicle that pairs with his HTC One Android phone, has Fios for his internet, and rocks a quad-core computer. He's also on Facebook and I recently sent him an invitation to join Twitter when I

In our continuing series, our own Marv Nelson takes a look at what it takes to be a father. This is a great article to check out if you're a dad, or thinking of being one. Just remember: these are stories about parenting and the unpredictable nature of children, so some of them can be pretty

Before I get started, I know that there are loving significant others out there that do not like facial hair. Believe me, I know.Before you go run off and shave to make them happy. Let me tell you a quick story about a man named Samson. He never cut his hair (including his beard). Samson

In our continuing series, our own Marv Nelson takes a look at what it takes to be a father.Being a Daddy is an amazing thing, but sometimes there are moments in time where being a Dad is hard and the feeling comes across that it would be easier not to be a Dad. Right now my four year old has