In our continuing series, our own Marv Nelson takes a look at what it takes to be a father. This is a great article to check out if you're a dad, or thinking of being one. Just remember: these are stories about parenting and the unpredictable nature of children, so some of them can be pretty

Everyone has been there; you text someone and then they immediately call you back after they get the text. They may not know it, but your friend just broke the number one rule of text messaging.It should be common knowledge that you shouldn’t break this invisible barrier of texting, but
I have something in common with Jeffrey Dahmer. No, I am not a disturbed serial killer or monster, but we are both alums of Revere High School, an average rural/suburban high school in the middle of nowhere Ohio. Although I have known this for a long time, I never really gave it a second
5 Tips on Food for Your Pregnant Wife.The minute she found out she was pregnant, your wife's diet went crazy. There's a list of foods she should and shouldn't eat (and sometimes they make her cry), she's wanting strawberries one minute and puking the next, and she can't seem to eat more than

In our continuing series, our own Marv Nelson takes a look at what it takes to be a father - #DaddyLifeAs a Daddy, I face rejection every day of my life. I know it’s really sad, but honestly very true. I wake up in the morning hoping that this reality will be different, with very

Are you all set for the Pittsburgh Brocathalon this Saturday? Here's how you can prevent blisters:Don't go to Google and look up blisters, they're gross, plus I happen to think feet are just weird/ gross/ I really freak out if someone touches me with their foot in general, but who knows

In our continuing series, our own Marv Nelson takes a look at what it takes to be a father - #DaddyLifeDon't we all wish that once in awhile, someone would come over to our office and demand that we take a nap? Seriously, how sweet would that be, right? Well, in the toddler/pre-school kids