A little while back I posted a link to the Michael Buble video for "Haven't Met You Yet" on my personal Facebook wall and was completely ridiculed for it by a couple of my friends. I just think it's a good song, and I don't care who sings it. So if liking Michael Buble hurts my man-cred, I'm ok with it. At least I'm not as bad as Kristin's boyfriend.
A Bro Council reader showed me this video though, and it's amazing. A group called Bad Lip Reading have become popular on YouTube for creating brand new songs after "misreading singers lips" in popular videoss. “Russian Unicorn” is a fresh look at Michael Buble's video for “Haven’t Met You Yet”.
You can check out the original video here, and you can see Buble's response here. He takes it in stride, and that's cool. Some celebrities would sue.
Oh, and there are a few somewhat NSFW words in there if you're thinking about blasting this at work. Enjoy.