Mike Rowe Is The Man


You might know Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel, or as the voice of The Deadliest Catch, or maybe even as the Ford guy. What you may not know is that he got his start as an opera singer. Yeah, really. Listen to his reasoning behind his early career choice:

I joined the opera to get my union card and meet girls. I was a saloon singer, so I went down to the Baltimore Opera and learned an aria and auditioned. I figured I'd do one show and quit. But the girls were everywhere and the truth is, the music was really decent.

Oh...his next career? QVC.

I was in the opera at the time. I walked across the street with a buddy of mine (during a performance) - we're dressed as Vikings and we have a drink. The TV is turned to QVC...my buddy bets me $100 I can't get a call back. So...I crashed an audition and got a job on the spot. I basically turned the whole thing into my own stupid David Letterman show - I made fun of the callers and made fun of the products.

He also got fired three times from QVC....so awesome. Mike Rowe is definitely Bro Council, Approved. He's also got a great outlook on work. Check out his video about America and his thoughts on hard work.

Great job, Mike. You can check out his site here.

About The Author
Instagram - https://instagram.com/rayabel
Ray is the founder of Stray Monkey, and as a shameless plug he wants to remind you to check out the Research the News podcast.

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