Fire Ants Ruin Baseball Game


Sporting events have been suspended from play for rain, lighting, tornadoes, the power going out, and there have even been a couple of very unfortunate incidents with players health in some European soccer leagues lately. I think this is a first though...FIRE ANTS!! Yes, fire ants. It was announced first on everyone''s favorite source for reliable news, Twitter:


The ants were pouring out of the electrical sockets during a college baseball game between Tulane and UAB, and they eventually shut down the electrical system. The ants postponed the game. Check out the video below of the shenanigans:

I have to admit, that was a little disappointing. When I heard that they were "pouring" out of the electrical system, I expected a little more. Maybe Twitter is really a great source of news, just with poor description skills.

About The Author
Pat Dininny
Pat Dininny
Pat is our resident comic book guy, news archiver, and is occasionally offensive. We apologize in advance. 

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