The economy is tough these days, that's clear. But who wants to go and work for McDonald's or Best Buy when you could work for the circus? That's right, everyone's favorite/scariest childhood memory is now hiring. And they have a job placement rate of 100%:
“There’s lots of employment opportunities in this field. It’s an unusual field, admittedly, but we offer a very unusual training,” said Marc Lalonde, the executive director of the National Circus School in Montreal, one of North America’s top finishing schools for the so-called circus-arts disciplines. Lalonde said the National Circus School has an extremely high success rate in finding work for its graduates because there are more jobs available than the industry can find suitable applicants for. “In some years,” he said, “nearly 100% of our students find work within the first few months of graduating.” |
What are you waiting for? I hear our very own Pat is already thinking about signing up. Finally, a use for his conjoined twin and their amazing juggling ability!
Check out the link below for the full article:
[Link - Wall Street Journal]