A 1,000 FPS Slip N' Slide

A 1,000 FPS Slip N' Slide

It was 17 degrees outside at Bro Council Headquarters this morning. If your city is in the cold weather belt, you probably need a video to make you think about summer like we did today. So we scoured the web for a summer themed video that would be a natural anti-depressant and we found a video of a Slip n' Slide filmed at 1,000 FPS (frames per second).

The creators used multiple camera including a Phantom, Fastcam, Red Epic, Canon 5D, and a GoPro. What they created was a partial replacement for the sun being farther South than we feel OK about. It's only a partial replacement, since February always make you feel like you have a Vitamin D deficiency when you live in the North. Am I right, Yankees?

Check out the video below, and if you're lucky enough to live someplace warm - break out your Slip n' Slide in honor of Bro Council today. We appreciate it.

About The Author
Instagram - https://instagram.com/rayabel
Ray is the founder of Stray Monkey, and as a shameless plug he wants to remind you to check out the Research the News podcast.

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