Our Newest Contributor: Jenny MarieClaire


Bro Council just added a new contributor, and she's going to be an awesome addition. Her name is Jenny, and she's a beard connoisseur. Jenny was at the Beard Team USA National Championships, so when I was thinking of who could write our "Beard Of The Month" article, she was the first person to come to mind. She'll also be adding some other articles to the site as well. Welcome to Bro Council, Jenny. Here's her bio info:

Jenny MarieClaireName: Jenny MarieClaire
Favorite Movie: E.T.
Favorite Top Gun Character: Iceman - I love his spectacular facial bone structure.
Why Are You Contributing to Bro Council: Because it rocks and I know a good beard when I see one!
Bio: I've got a sick sense of humor...I enjoy many genres of music but HEAVY METAL is my main squeeze \m/, movies, laughing, movies, laughing, movies, charity work, writing, reading, and I LOVE BEARDS! I will die laughing! Hahaha

Twitter: @KnowJenny

Name: Jenny MarieClaire
Favorite Movie: E.T.
Favorite Top Gun Character: Iceman-I love his spectacular facial bone structure.
Favorite Thing About Being a Guy: How about...my favorite thing about guys...the penis! Just kidding...that's important but the funny personality is the icing on the cake!
Why Are You Contributing to Bro Council: Because it rocks and I know a good beard when I see one!
Short Bio: I've got a sick sense of humor...I enjoy many genres of music but HEAVY METAL is my main squeeze \m/, movies, laughing, movies, laughing, movies, charity work, writing, reading and I LOVE BEARDS! I will die laughing! Hahaha
Twitter: Twitter.com/KnowJenny
About The Author
Instagram - https://instagram.com/rayabel
Ray is the founder of Stray Monkey, and as a shameless plug he wants to remind you to check out the Research the News podcast.

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